SAAPRI Convenes South Asian Community Leaders and Stakeholders to Increase Civic Participation

SAAPRI Convenes South Asian Community Leaders and Stakeholders to Increase Civic Participation

SAAPRI Convenes South Asian Community Leaders and Stakeholders to Increase Civic Participation

SAAPRI’s Civic Engagement Initiative

South Asian Americans are one of the fastest growing groups in Illinois and across the nation. However, the community’s influence on elections has not increased at the same rate as its population. South Asian Americans represent about 36% of Illinois’ Asian American population and 2% of the overall state population, with high concentrations in particular districts and regions. Over the last 16 years, Illinois’ South Asian population has grown by over 55%, but this growth has not been represented in the civic engagement process.

Throughout the nation, South Asian Americans are among the least represented in our democracy. The community has low voter registration and lower turnout rates than other ethnic groups. It is imperative that South Asian Americans increase their civic engagement in order to voice their views on specific issues and policies that will impact them.

South Asian Americans have the potential to speak collectively and effectively on issues that matter to our community.  We have to leverage our collective power to realize our potential for transforming both our own communities as well as society at large.

SAAPRI’s May 19, 2016 Leadership Forum

On May 19, 2016, SAAPRI convened a Leadership Forum attended by South Asian-facing organizations, community leaders, and business persons to examine civic participation among the South Asian American community.

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Shajan Kuriakose kicked off the event with opening remarks regarding his personal civic engagement journey.

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SAAPRI’s Ann Kalayil presented “A Roadmap to Civic Engagement for South Asian Americans in Illinois,” reflecting on the importance of moving volunteers from service to civic engagement.  

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SAAPRI unveiled a profile of the community at the state and local level, drawn from census data and from SAAPRI’s original research on voter participation, throwing light on where South Asian Americans enjoy strength in numbers, what resources exist within the community, and which areas need to be targeted for action.

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SAAPRI’s K. Sujata led a spirited group discussion regarding ways to foster increased civic participation among the South Asian American community.
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The Leadership Forum and other initiatives like it are powerful ways to leverage the potential of South Asian Americans to improve our civic engagement and make our views heard about political issues that affect both our communities and the larger society we live in.