SAAPRI’s Jordan Stalker and Aakash Ray discuss hate crimes in Borderless Magazine

SAAPRI’s Jordan Stalker and Aakash Ray discuss hate crimes in Borderless Magazine

On May 25th, 2022, SAAPRI’s Research & Development Advisor Jordan Stalker and Communications & Research Intern Aakash Ray both discussed the nature of hate crimes and subsequent ill-created reporting systems in the state of Illinois.

We looked at the hate crime reporting forms that are available from the Attorney General’s Office and they’re only in Mandarin and in English. If your level of comfort with the English language isn’t up to a level where you can ask for a reporting form or fill it out properly, then you’re not going to do it.

Jordan Stalker, Research & Development Advisor at SAAPRI

We want to advocate for hate crime reporting forms that include South Asian languages like Punjabi and Gujarati

Aakash Ray, Communications & Research Intern at SAAPRI
  • Read more about SAAPRI’s involvement and how other Chicago Asian Americans are mobilizing to protect each other here