Chicagoland Vigil & Rally for Georgia Shooting Victims

Chicagoland Vigil & Rally for Georgia Shooting Victims

On March 26th, 2021, SAAPRI co-sponsored a vigil and rally in Horner Park, across from the historic HANA Center building, dedicated to mourning and honoring the lives of those murdered in Atlanta, Georgia on March 16th, 2021.

The Chicagoland Vigil & Rally for Georgia Shooting Victims: National Day of Action to Stop AAPI Hate demands solutions that center Asian women, femmes, and elders, who are disproportionately impacted by the violence. We refuse to ignore that this rise in anti-Asian harassment and violence has disproportionately impacted women and femmes, who know firsthand that sexual violence, sexism, and racism are intertwined and steeped in the history of US imperialism.

In light of recent attacks against Asian Americans, SAAPRI stands in solidarity with Asian Americans and all people of color and against all hate crimes. We encourage our community members to come together and join local Chicago organizations to mourn and honor the lives of those murdered in Atlanta, Georgia and other locations.

Co-hosts: Apna Ghar, Inc., HANA Center, HEART Women & Girls, KAN-WIN, NAPAWF Chicago

Thank you to all those who attended our event! If you were not able to attend, you can access the recording of the event here and pictures of the event here.

  • Access the Facebook event page here