Talk It Out: #MeToo – Desi Round Table on the Women’s Movement

Talk It Out: #MeToo – Desi Round Table on the Women’s Movement

On March 18th, 2018, SAAPRI was proud to co-host Talk It Out: #MeToo, a Desi round table discussion focused on normalizing conversations around sexual harassment and gender bias in our community. At this event, SAAPRI shared the latest demographic data on South Asian women in the U.S., Illinois, and Cook County, and findings from recent studies on rates of gender-based violence among South Asians in America.

Our community engaged in open conversations that allowed many to share personal stories about discrimination and harassment. As a group, we worked to develop solutions to end gender bias as the women’s movement persists on the national stage. Participants agreed on the importance of bringing men into these conversations as allies and revealing the cultural norms that contribute to gender bias. We also shed light on the necessity for continued research on this topic as it pertains to South Asian Americans.

Co-host: Talk It Out: #MeToo was a part of the 100% Project at the Chicago Foundation for Women.

Co-sponsors: Indo-American Center (IAC), Apna Ghar, Inc., and Chicago Desi Youth Rising

Thank you to all those who attended our event! If you were not able to attend, you can access photos from the event here.