SAAPRI helps pass anti-hate laws

SAAPRI helps pass anti-hate laws

SAAPRI Executive Director Ami Gandhi speaking at the Sikh Religious Society Gurdwara Sahib in Palatine, Illinois to commemorate the adoption of HR 1193

In the aftermath of violent attacks on Sikh and Muslim institutions, SAAPRI took the lead in providing community input during the drafting of Illinois House Resolution 1193 and Chicago Resolution 2012-814, denouncing hate crimes and hateful rhetoric against South Asian Americans and other minorities. On December 16th, 2012, SAAPRI commemorated the adoption of these resolutions at an interfaith event at the Sikh Religious Society Gurdwara Sahib in Palatine, Illinois.

Thank you to all those who attended our event!

  • Access the Facebook event page here
  • Read SAAPRI’s August 7th, 2012 press release on the Oak Creek Sikh Temple Tragedy here

Chicago Anti-Hate Resolution

  • Read SAAPRI’s September 10th, 2012 press release commending resolution here
  • Read Chicago Resolution 2012-814 here

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Watch Lakhwant Singh Komal open the September 12, 2012 City Council meeting with a Sikh invocation.

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Watch Alderman Ameya Pawar introduce the resolution and urge politicians to think before they speak.

Illinois House Anti-Hate Resolution

  • Read SAAPRI’s December 12th, 2012 press release commemorating resolution here
  • Read the Illinois House Resolution 1193 here

Media Coverage

SAAPRI’s Previous Hate Crime Work

  • Read more about SAAPRI’s successful recommendations on hate crime tracking to the FBI Advisory Policy Board here