Statement on Asian American Youth-Led Initiative for Black Lives

Statement on Asian American Youth-Led Initiative for Black Lives

In light of the continuing police violence against Black folks in the United States, Asian American youth across the country spearheaded an initiative to write an open letter to families and communities about why Black lives should matter to us, too. Youth also translated the letter into a number of native languages. Translators tried to make each version culturally relevant to their own communities.

This is an important first step in starting conversations across generations about the issues that the United States is facing right now. SAAPRI applauds this project, which took a tremendous amount of crowdsourced, volunteer-based labor from people across the country.

SAAPRI encourages the South Asian American community to acknowledge the systemic barriers faced by the Black community and find meaningful ways to show solidarity. SAAPRI continues to look for ways to promote allyship and understanding among communities of color.

  • Read the letters and learn more about this project here